
Synod introduces triennial ‘Stand’ theme

Comments (4)
  1. Rev. David V. Dissen says:

    Great suggestion & super thematic “word” – “STAND”. We “stand” by God’s grace in His forgiving presence in this life. We “stand” by God’ grace before the Lord on Judgment Day. We “stand” ready to help our fellowman in need. We “stand” firm in our Scripture based faith and teaching. We “stand” united in what we belief, teach & confess. We “stand” committed to bear witness to the only saving message for sinners—the message that Jesus is the Lamb of God Who alone takes away the sin of the world. We “stand” committed to be a salt & a light to our sin ruined, perishing human race that is lost in darkness & separated from the light & truth of God’s Word. Thanks for the selection of this great thematic word.
    Rev. David V. Dissen, Cape Girardeau, MO.
    Rev 2,10b

  2. (Note: tongue is firmly planted in cheek) Someone will say, a la the Texas Gubernatorial race, that to state “Stand” is to exclude those who find themselves unable to stand due to paralysis, disease and injury.

    OK, file it away and “smile”. I think “Stand” is as good as any way to emphasize the 2017 celebration.

  3. While no theme is perfect, as the comment above points out, this is still a great theme for our Synod for this triennium. Simple, easy to remember and rich with both Biblical and Reformation imagery. Those who take a strong stand on anything that is not part of today’s mainstream culture are subject to relentless ridicule. By God’s grace the LCMS will continue to stand for the eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ and for the Gospel’s power to transform our lives.

  4. Rev. Chris Ian Rodriguez says:


    S – Sincere (SOLA FIDE)
    T – Teaching (SOLA SCRIPTURA)
    A – Ascertains (SOLI DEO GLORIA)
    N – Native (SOLUS CRISTUS)
    D – Doctrine (SOLA GRATIA)

    This might be a very imaginative thought but it recalls the heart of the reformation.