
Ethiopian church, LCMS agree to formal discussions

Comments (6)
  1. Tsegahun Assefa says:

    It is my hope that the two churches will be strong partners which will last until the coming of the LORD.

  2. I like the firm stand of the Ethiopian Mekaneyesus Lutheran Church to follow God’s Scriptures not modern human evangelist psychology who tries to reform the word of God which is eternal. We love the gay and laisbians as human beings, but we do not allow to hijack the Scripture and use the church as their means to spread their cause.
    We can agree to disagree as in politics not in the Scriptures and I would like to see the Ethiopian Lutheran Church stand to follow only the word of God not famous TV evangelists whose mission is materialistic and luxury.
    May God lead us to the truth and only his truth.

    Lej Mesfinachew Anteneh Akassa.

  3. Moti Daba says:

    Good to start!

  4. Bishop Aladin Sitio says:

    Good Discussion! May Our Lord by the Holy Spirit lead His Word to be understand and tobe interpretation through His Word.

  5. Gashahun Nemomsa says:

    Good to hear this news! And we hope that, God would lead the two Churches to communal agreement in order to advance His Kingdom. And we pray that may God guide His church
    Gashahun Nemomsa (Missionary)

  6. Eric Skovgaard says:

    What a beautiful beginning! May God richly bless those discussions.