
COP delves into range of topics, biblical studies

Comments (4)
  1. Rev. Ken Kelly Jr. says:

    What about Resolution 3-10A, or are our brothers on CRM still being neglected?

  2. Ann M. Moe says:

    Sadly, in this article I found nothing written about the CRM Pastors and Resolution 3-10A.

  3. Caleb Kuddes says:

    All this work, yet brothers still suffer on CRM status, and what are they doing?

  4. Rev.Timothy J. Henning says:

    It was reported that throughout our beloved Synod there are 278 sole-pastor vacancies, 43 senior pastor vacancies, and 61 associate/assistant pastor vacancies. There are 216 men (as of July 2013) either on Candidate Status or Non-Candidate Status, who are open to consider any Divine Call, myself included. It is God who sends men to where He wants them to serve and He works through the church to accomplish His will. Let the prayer of our church be that God work through our District Presidents and COP to ‘call’ those who are available to ministry (returning missionaries, military chaplains, and ordained and commissioned ministers on candidate status/non-candidate status), to serve God’s people His Holy Word and Sacraments.